Hi, I am Liangfen Du (Chinese: 杜良芬), an assistant professor in the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univeristy. My research interests include:
  • Noise reduction technologies enabling natural ventilation
  • Acoustic metasurfaces
  • Sound prediction
  • Environmental noise control
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      I am continuously seeking potential PhD candidates, Master’s graduates, Postdocs, and exchange PhD students to join my team. If you are interested in research on building acoustics, environmental noise control, acoustic metasurfaces, or other acoustics-related areas, please send your CV, transcript, and list of publications to me via email at liangfen.du@polyu.edu.hk

      I also provide consultancy services in various acoustic-related areas, including Noise Impact Assessment, Room Acoustics, Noise and Vibration Control, Acoustical Measurement, and other related fields.


      11/2024: First team building, from left to right. GU Ningnan, ZHOU Tong, MA Kai, DU Haoran, DU Liangfen

      10/2024: Welcome Dr. Zhou Tong (周桐) to my team as a postdoc fellow!

      08/2024: Welcome Ma Kai (马凯) to my team as a visiting student!

      08/2024: I was invited by the Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics (HKIOA) and the Australian Institute of Building (AIB) to give a talk on “Noise Reduction Enabling Natural Ventilation Technologies”.

    About Me

    Dr Liangfen DU joined the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE) as an Assistant Professor in April 2024. She obtained her BEng in Environmental Engineering and MSc in Acoustics from the Northwestern Polytechnical University in China, and received her second Master’s degree and a PhD in Acoustics from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon) in France. After graduation, she worked as an Acoustic Consultant in the industry for various industrial projects involving noise impact assessment, acoustic design, building acoustics and more. She later returned to academia as a research fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS) from 2017 to 2021 and at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore from 2021 to 2024, respectively. Dr Du’s research interests encompass noise reduction technologies enabling natural ventilation, acoustic metasurfaces, sound prediction, and environmental noise control.

    Selected Publications

    • 1. Johanna Kay Ann Tan, Liangfen Du, Siu-Kit Lau, Optimization of single-channel active noise control performance in a plenum window using the surface impedance approach. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2024, 155(2): 1570-1582-4287.
    • 2. Liangfen Du, Zheng Fan. Anomalous refraction of acoustic waves using double layered acoustic gratings. The 52th Inter-Noise, Tokyo, Japan, August 20-23, 2023.
    • 3. Liangfen Du, Abhishek Saini, Zeqing Sun, Jian Chen, Zheng Fan. Experimental validation of acoustic focusing by a double layered acoustic grating. The 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Prague, the Czech republic, July 09-13, 2023.
    • 4. Liangfen Du, Abhishek Saini, Zeqing Sun, Jian Chen, Zheng Fan. Acoustic focusing by a double layered acoustic grating. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023, 561, 117830.
    • 5. Alexandru Crivoi, Liangfen Du, Zheng Fan. Ventilated acoustic meta-barrier based on layered Helmholtz resonators. Applied Acoustics, 2023, 205: 109263.
    • 6. Liangfen Du, Zheng Fan. Acoustic focusing of an acoustic metasurface based on surface coupling approach. The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Singapore, July 24-28, 2022.
    • 7. Jian Chen, Zeqing Sun, Liangfen Du, Zheng Fan. Enhanced acoustic imaging with evanescent amplification. The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Singapore, July 24-28, 2022.
    • 8. Liangfen Du, Siu-Kit Lau, Siew Eang Lee. Prediction of noise reduction of ventilation window by surface impedance approach. Applied Acoustics, 2021, 175: 107851.
    • 9. Liangfen Du, Siu-Kit Lau, Siew Eang Lee, Martin Konrad Danzer. Experimental study on noise reduction and ventilation performances of sound-proofed ventilation window. Building and Environment, 2020, 181: 107105.
    • 10. Goran Pavić, Liangfen Du. Modelling of a closed acoustical space by the boundary reconstruction approach. Forum Acusticum 2020 (FA 2020), December 7-11, 2020.
    • 11. Goran Pavić, Liangfen Du. Experimental identification of surface acoustic impedance. Biennial ISMA conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA 2020), KU Leuven, Belgium, September 7-9, 2020.
    • 12. Liangfen Du, Goran Pavić, Siu-Kit Lau, Siew Eang Lee. Virtual experimental study on sound prediction in multiple connected spaces by surface coupling approach. The 49th Inter-Noise, Soeul, Korea, August 23-26, 2020.
    • 13. Liangfen Du, Siu-Kit Lau, Siew Eang Lee. Experimental study on sound insulation of ventilation partitions. Journal of Acoustics, 2019, 1:1-13.
    • 14. Liangfen Du, Siu-Kit Lau, Siew Eang Lee. Experimental study on sound transmission loss of plenum windows. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 146(6): EL489-EL495.
    • 15. Liangfen Du, Siu-Kit Lau, Siew Eang Lee. Sound insulation of ventilation partitions with different Configurations. The 48th Inter-Noise, Madrid, Spain, June 16-19, 2019.
    • 16. Liangfen Du, Goran Pavić. Modelling of multiply connected sound spaces by the surface coupling approach. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 146(6): 4273-4287.
    • 17. Goran Pavić, Liangfen Du. Coupling of sound spaces by plane surface harmonics and its application to sound source characterization. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 440: 1-22.
    • 18. Liangfen Du, Goran Pavić. Experimental characterization of air-borne sound sources via surface coupling. Applied Acoustics, 2018, 134: 97-109.
    • 19. Goran Pavić, Liangfen Du. Coupling of sound spaces by the surface impedance approach. The 8th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association, Zagreb, Croatia, September 20-21, 2018.
    • 20. Goran Pavić, Liangfen Du. Modelling of multi-connected acoustical spaces by the surface impedance approach. The 45th Inter-Noise, Hamburg, Germany, August 21-24, 2016.
    • 21. Liangfen Du, Goran Pavić. Experimental demonstration of sound prediction by source characterization. The 44th Inter-Noise, San Francisco, USA, August 9-12, 2015.
    • 22. Liangfen Du, Goran Pavić. Characterisation of sound sources by plane surface harmonics. Proceeding of Noise and Vibration – Emerging technologies (NOVEM2015), Dubrovnik, Croatia, April 13-15, 2015.
    • 23. Liangfen Du and Goran Pavić. Acoustical source-receiver interfacing using the patch impedance approach. Conference of French Acoustic, Poitiers, France, April 22-25, 2014. (Oral presentation in French).



      • Main investigator: Meta-surface based broadband ultrasonic deep-subwavelength imaging (MOE AcRF Tier 2, SGD $832,128)
      • Main investigator: Enhancing aural comfort in Singapore Homes through NUS-CDL Smart Green Home Test-Bedding Studies (NUS – CDL joint grant, SGD $298,000)


      • Baseline acoustical assessment for Systems on Silicon Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd (SSMC)
      • Noise prediction on building facades for Forest Woods Condominium
      • Classroom renovation for better speech intelligibility for Hwa Chong Institution
      • Acoustical design of offices for Merck

    Academic Service


      • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (link)
      • Applied Acoustics (link)


      • Organizing committee member, Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2024 "Innovating and Revitalizing Productivity in Building Services with 3S (Smart, Sustainability and Safety) Solutions towards Carbon Neutrality”

    Education & Experience


      • 2016, Ph.D. in Acoustics, School of MEGA (Mécanique - Energétique - Génie Civil - Acoustique), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon), France
      • 2013, M.Sc. in Acoustics, School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
      • 2012, M.Sc. in Acoustics, School of MEGA (Mécanique - Energétique - Génie Civil - Acoustique), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon), France
      • 2010, B.Eng. in Environmental Engineering, School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China


      • Apr. 2024 - Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
      • Jan. 2021 - Mar. 2024, Research Fellow, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
      • Nov. 2017 - Feb. 2021, Research Fellow, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
      • Nov. 2016 - Jul. 2017, Acoustic Consultant, JD Acoustic Pte. Ltd, Singapore
